Rabu, 14 Februari 2018

10 Ways to Get More of Everything Good in Life

Decades in the personal development industry and I’ve never once met someone who didn’t want more …
More love.
More health.
More money.
More freedom.

If you’d like more of the good things in your life,friend …
Here are 10 easy ways to make that happen:

1. Gratitude: be grateful for what you have. Gratitude truly is the attitude that connects us to the source. Sound too easy? For one week, consciously give thanks for every good thing in your life. Look around; appreciate every meal, friendship, sunshine, health, and freedoms you have.

2. Perspective: try a new perspective. Sometimes the ceilings we’re up against are merely a problem with perception. When we choose a different perspective, opportunities suddenly present themselves.

3. Risk: get outside your comfort zone. Take a new route on your daily commute. Talk to someone new. Try a new food. Brush your teeth with your non-dominant hand.  To get more out of life we must venture outside of our daily routines – when we do this, we often spark creativity.

4. Focus: set a clear goal. We’ve established that everyone wants more. What exactly is ‘more’ to you? If you allow yourself to dream without any limitations, what do you want? When you allow yourself to consider the possibility of 'more' and set a clear goal to achieve it, your mind will automatically come into harmony with solutions.

5. Action: don’t settle. In the pursuit of more, it’s important that we never become complacent or rest on 'just enough.'  Appreciate what you have, but know that you deserve more - think of the good you can do and the lives you can enrich with  - - more.

6. Service: help others. Every single chance you get to help someone else – take it. Big or small.  Actively look for ways to be of service … it can be as simple as a smile and eye contact.

7. Acceptance: be good to yourself.  We’re all guilty of being hard on ourselves. In the pursuit of more, appreciate yourself. Encourage yourself.

8. Awareness: do a little more.  Each day, do a little more. When you give life just 1-2% more, you will be amazed at what a difference it will make. Love a little more. Do one more thing at work before calling it quits for the day. Be a little nicer. Give life, just a little more.

9. Persistence: do a little better. Take a second glance over each daily task. Look for areas you can be of more excellence. Do better than average. Do better than you thought you could do. It’s so easy to let ourselves be lazy, doing just good enough – do better.

10. Enjoy: take time to truly enjoy and appreciate your life.

To your success,
Bob Proctor
Chairman & Co-Founder
Proctor Gallagher Institute

Minggu, 31 Desember 2017

RIP Romo Paulus Suradibrata, SJ

Telah dipanggil Tuhan pada hari Senin, 1 Januari 2018 Pk 06.45.
Pk 12.00 jenasah akan dibawa ke Gereja Santo Antonius Purbayan, misa Requiem di Gereja St. Antonius Purbayan pk 18.00, Misa pemakaman 2 Januari pkl 10.00 Gereja Girisonta dilanjutkan pemakaman di Ratu Damai Girisonta. 
Selamat jalan Rm. Sura, mohon doa bagi kami yang masih berziarah di dunia ini.

Nama Lengkap : Rama Paulus Suradibrata,SJ
Tanggal Lahir : 8 Oktober 1932
Putra keempat dari pasangan Bapak
Constansius Suradibrata dan Ibu Bernarda

Riwayat singkat perjalanan Imamat Romo Paulus Suradibrata, SJ

1949 : Masuk Seminari Menengah di Jl.Code 2 Yogyakarta
7 September 1954 : Masuk Novisiat SJ
di Girisonta

1956 : Mengucapkan Kaul Serikat Jesus, lalu melanjutkan Juniorat dengan memperdalam Ilmu Humaniora selama 2 tahun.

1959 – 1962 : Melanjutkan Studi Filsafat di Puma,India dan merupakan angkatan pertama Frater Yesuit yang dikirim belajar di sana.

1962 : Selama 3 bulan memasuki Tahun Orientasi Kerasulan di Girisonta.

1962 – 1966 : Studi Teologi di Kolese Santo Ignatius (Kolsani) Yogyakarta

31 Juli 1965 : Menerima Tahbisan Imamat dari Justinus Kardinal Darmoyuwono

1966 – 1967 : Tugas perutusan di Paroki Sumber, Muntilan

1967 – 1968 : Menjalani masa Tersiat di Amerika Serikat

1968 – 1969 : Bertugas di Paroki Gedangan, Semarang

1969 – 1974 : Bertugas di Seminari Mertoyudan

1969 – 1972 : sebagai pamong guru

1972 – 1974 : sebagai Rektor Seminari Mertoyudan

1974 – 1981 : Menjadi Romo Provinsial Serikat Yesus

1981 – 1987 : Menjadi Rektor Kolese Santo Ignatius (Kolsani) Yogyakarta

1987 – 1993 : Dipanggil ke Roma untuk menjadi Asisten Pater Jenderal untuk kawasan Asia Timur dan Oceania

1993 – 2009 : Bertugas di Paroki Gedangan, Semarang

Oktober 2009 – Jan 2018: Menjalani masa purna Tugas di Paroki St. Antonius Purbayan Solo

Sumber : Buletin Pelegrina Purbayan edisi
Tahun ke-2 No.1 November 2010

- pernikahan adik... Om Hengky & Tante Prisan

Jumat, 15 Desember 2017

Yerusalem dan Abraham/Ibrahim

Memang seperti yang telah Difirmankan empat millenia yang lalu, bahwa Bapa Abraham/Nabi Ibrahim akan menjadi bapa bangsa-bangsa sungguh terjadi, buktinya saat keturunannya secara biologis berebut Yerusalem, semua bangsa-bangsa besar ikut terlibat.

Kej 17:1
Ketika Abram berumur sembilan puluh sembilan tahun, maka TUHAN menampakkan diri kepada Abram dan berfirman kepadanya: "Akulah Allah Yang Mahakuasa, hiduplah di hadapan-Ku dengan tidak bercela.
Kej 17:2
Aku akan mengadakan perjanjian antara Aku dan engkau, dan Aku akan membuat engkau sangat banyak."
Kej 17:3
Lalu sujudlah Abram, dan Allah berfirman kepadanya:
Kej 17:4
"Dari pihak-Ku, inilah perjanjian-Ku dengan engkau: Engkau akan menjadi bapa sejumlah besar bangsa.
Kej 17:5
Karena itu namamu bukan lagi Abram, melainkan Abraham, karena engkau telah Kutetapkan menjadi bapa sejumlah besar bangsa.
Kej 17:6
Aku akan membuat engkau beranak cucu sangat banyak; engkau akan Kubuat menjadi bangsa-bangsa, dan dari padamu akan berasal raja-raja.
Kej 17:7
Aku akan mengadakan perjanjian antara Aku dan engkau serta keturunanmu turun-temurun menjadi perjanjian yang kekal, supaya Aku menjadi Allahmu dan Allah keturunanmu.
Kej 17:8
Kepadamu dan kepada keturunanmu akan Kuberikan negeri ini yang kaudiami sebagai orang asing, yakni seluruh tanah Kanaan akan Kuberikan menjadi milikmu untuk selama-lamanya; dan Aku akan menjadi Allah mereka."
Kej 17:9
Lagi firman Allah kepada Abraham: "Dari pihakmu, engkau harus memegang perjanjian-Ku, engkau dan keturunanmu turun-temurun.
Kej 17:10
Inilah perjanjian-Ku, yang harus kamu pegang, perjanjian antara Aku dan kamu serta keturunanmu, yaitu setiap laki-laki di antara kamu harus disunat;
Kej 17:11
haruslah dikerat kulit khatanmu dan itulah akan menjadi tanda perjanjian antara Aku dan kamu.

Sebelum tinggal di Kanaan, yang sekarang adalah daerah Palestina dan Israel, Abraham tinggal di daerah Ur Kasdim, atau utara Mesopotamia yang sekarang Irak.

Bapa Abraham/Nabi Ibrahim memiliki tiga istri, Sara, Hagar dan Ketura. Dari tiga istri ia mendapatkan delapan anak, Ismael, Ishak, Zimran, Yoksan, Medan, Midian, Isybak dan Suah. Ismael memiliki dua belas anak, Nebayot, Kedar, Adbeel, Mibsan, Misyma, Duma, Masa, Hadad, Tema, Yetur, Nafisy dan Kedma, yang adalah nenek moyang Bani Ismael dan kemudian menjadi bangsa-bangsa Arab. Ishak memiliki dua anak, Esau dan Yakub yang kemudian disebut Israel. Esau adalah nenek moyang Bani Edom, dan Yakub adalah nenek moyang Bani Israel. Keturunan Abraham/Ibrahim dari Ketura menjadi nenek moyang bangsa-bangsa Arab yang tinggal di Selatan dan Timur Palestina juga bangsa-bangsa di Afrika. 

Yerusalem merupakan kota suci bagi tiga agama monoteisme Abrahamik, yaitu Yahudi, Kristen dan Muslim. Selain menjadi nenek moyang bangsa-bangsa besar di daerah Timur Tengah, Bapa Abraham/Nabi Ibrahim menjadi bapak rohani bagi banyak orang. 

Jadi kalau penduduk dunia sekarang kira-kira 7 milyar, maka yang mempercayai Yerusalem sebagai kota suci ada 16,1 juta orang beragama Yahudi, 2,3 milyar orang beragama Kristen dan 1,4 milyar orang beragama Muslim.
Mengenai apakah Yerusalem menjadi ibukota Israel atau Palestina, saya mengusulkan agar dua-duanya diperbolehkan untuk menjadikannya ibukota, kalau tidak diperbolehkan, akan lebih baik agar dua-duanya juga tidak diperbolehkan. Melihat umat beragama di Israel dan Palestina pun beragam, tidak semua orang Israel beragama Yahudi dan tidak semua orang Palestina beragama Muslim, bahkan mungkin tidak semua keturunan dari Bani Ismael beragama Muslim. 

Rabu, 29 November 2017

Ancient Beehive Tombs

Ancient beehive tombs at the Al-Ayn archaeological site near Bat, Oman
Makam kuno berbentuk sarang lebah di situs arkeologi Al-Ayn dekat Bat, Oman

Jebel Misht, a towering limestone mountain in northern Oman makes an impressive backdrop for the beehive tombs of Al-Ayn. These necropolises are estimated to be roughly 5,000 years old. Their evocative name comes from the rings of stone that make the dome-like structures resemble a beehive. Although many of the Bronze Age tombs have been raided over the ages for building materials, their sheer isolation in such a far-flung part of the desert has protected them for millennia. UNESCO lent them even greater protection when it designated Al-Ayn (together with nearby Bat and Al-Khutm) as a World Heritage Site.
Jebel Misht, sebuah gunung batu kapur yang menjulang tinggi di utara Oman membuat latar belakang yang mengesankan untuk makam Al-Ayn yang berbentuk seperti sarang lebah. Pekuburan ini diperkirakan berumur 5.000 tahun. Nama yang menarik yang berasal dari bentuk struktur cincin batu seperti kubah menyerupai sarang lebah. Meskipun banyak makam Zaman Perunggu telah dijarah selama berabad-abad untuk bahan bangunan, karena lokasinya di gurun yang jauh, pekuburan itu terrlindungi selama ribuan tahun. UNESCO memberi mereka perlindungan yang lebih lagi saat situs Al-Ayn (bersama dengan Bat dan Al-Khutm di dekatnya) ditunjuk sebagai Situs Warisan Dunia.

Source: https://www.bing.com/search?q=Bat%2C+Al-Khutm%2C+and+Al-Ayn%2C+Oman&p1=[MustShow%20Service="BingQA"%20Scenario="Encyclopedia"%20Position="TOP"%20Slot="0"]&filters=IsConversation%3a%22True%22+BTEPKey:%22Encyclo_693%22+sid:%2247e2687a-a702-9b6f-a597-c50514d07923%22&FORM=EMSARS

Minggu, 26 November 2017

Beruang Kutub

A polar bear dives underwater
Beruang kutub menyelam di bawah air

This magnificent creature’s Latin name is spot-on: Ursus maritimus. ‘Ursus’ meaning bear, and ‘maritimus’ describing the bear’s habitat—maritime lands bordering the sea. And in this animal’s case, it’s a very cold neighborhood, indeed—the polar bear lives in the Arctic. A surprisingly agile swimmer for its bulk (males weigh more than 900 pounds on average), the polar bear’s massive paws provide strong propulsion through the frigid ocean. A polar bear will even dive for sea urchins and blue mussels when the tasty morsels are available.
Nama Latin yang diberikan untuk makhluk yang menakjubkan ini sangat tepat: Ursus maritimus. 'Ursus' berarti beruang, dan 'maritimus' menggambarkan habitat beruang - lahan maritim yang berbatasan dengan laut. Dan dalam kasus binatang ini, habitatnya adalah lingkungan yang sangat dingin, memang - beruang kutub tinggal di Arktik. Perenang yang ketangkasannya mengejutkan bagi sebuah makhluk yang berukuran besar (jantan rata-rata beratnya lebih dari 900pon/400kg), cakar beruang kutub yang besar memberikan dorongan yang kuat untuk menembus laut yang dingin. Beruang kutub bahkan akan menyelam demi landak laut dan kupang saat potongan makanan lezat itu tersedia.

Recent research shows that the huge white bear is an endurance swimmer as well. Long-distance swims upwards of 200 miles have been charted. Researchers theorize this may be due to the increasing distances between ice floes and land masses as the earth’s polar ice recedes.
Penelitian terbaru menunjukkan bahwa beruang putih besar ini adalah perenang yang memiliki ketahanan pula. Telah terpetakan jarak tempuhnya sejauh di atas 200mil/320km. Periset berteori ini mungkin disebabkan oleh meningkatnya jarak antara lapisan es dan massa tanah saat es kutub di bumi berkurang.

Sumber :

Kamis, 23 November 2017


We have just released a short video inviting you to join us for Advent this year. Advent is a time to expectantly prepare for the coming of Christ into the world and to reflect on Emmanuel, God with us. 

However, we still lead very busy lives during this time. In fact, life often becomes more stressful. That's why we're hoping that our daily prayers and Advent Retreat can be a great way for you to stop and experience the joy of Christ's coming into our world. 

This video is also a great way to share us with friends around the world who might enjoy our resources. Whilst you're there, feel free to subscribe to our new Youtube channel too!

Mikołaj Cempla (Filmmaker)
We were blessed to have had up and coming filmmaker Mikołaj Cempla working with us on this project. Mikołaj creates stunning videos for non-profits, business, artists and more. See some more of his work and find out about him. 

Salt of the Sound
As long-time artists with Pray As You Go, Salt of the Sound are a familiar sound to our PAYG listeners. They are the beautiful music behind this video and have a wonderful album for Christmas called 'Waiting for the Dawn'. 

Luke 19:45-48

Jesus at the Temple

45 When Jesus entered the temple courts, he began to drive out those who were selling. 46 “It is written,” he said to them, “‘My house will be a house of prayer’; but you have made it ‘a den of robbers.”
47 Every day he was teaching at the temple. But the chief priests, the teachers of the law and the leaders among the people were trying to kill him. 48 Yet they could not find any way to do it, because all the people hung on his words.

Today is Friday the 24 November, the memorial of St Andrew Dung-Lac and companions, in the thirty-third week of ordinary time.

The community of Taizé sing: Tu/ amorist signer. Let me make these words my prayer, as I listen: 'Holy Spirit, come to us. Kindle in us the fire of your love.'

Today's reading is from the Gospel of Luke.

Elsewhere in the Gospels, we see Jesus treat "sinners" with great compassion. But, here,there's no hiding the fact that Jesus vents his righteous anger - turning over tables and chasing people out of the Temple. 

In this very short passage we see a side to Jesus that is remarkably human: things really getting to him.

What is it, do you think, that makes Jesus so angry?

Sumber : https://www.pray-as-you-go.org/home/

Senin, 23 Oktober 2017

Figure Types In Mahogany


Accepted Standards-For the past 20 years the Mahogany veneer plates which have appeared in The Mahogany Book have become the accepted standards for specifying Mahogany in the veneer and plywood industries and by manufacturers using veneer plywood products.

These plates, which are reproduced in this book, have become the standard sales and ordering guide by the many users and purchasers of Mahogany veneer. Designers, architects, and the purchasing departments of manufacturers and government agencies freely use the notation: M. B. Pl.
No.______ to designate their selection of Mahogany veneer.

While The Mahogany Book plates are the accepted standard of the industry, they are primarily used in specifications to establish a close approximation as to what is desired or what is available. As everyone knows, in all wood veneers there are innumerable variations and combinations that may occur between one figure and another. Because of this, the plates are not to be considered as swatches of something man-made like wallpaper or fabrics.

Allowable Tolerances-It is a well-known fact that the veneer of no lee trees is exactly alike. Often two flitches from the same tree will vary considerably. Also, the figure pattern in a single sheet of veneer may vary to some extent.

Therefore, it is up to the parties involved to determine what tolerances are allowable. And, it should be kept in mind that tolerance should be greater with large quantities of veneer than for small quantities.

While the Mahogany plates serve a very useful purpose, often a few added words at the time a transaction is made will serve to make the meeting of minds more complete and avoid subsequent disagreement.

Periodically the Association receives requests from buyer or seller to decide what should be a fair fulfillment of a specification based on the plates in The Mahogany Book. Because this is a matter that must be agreed upon by the buyer and seller, the Association cannot make such rulings.

As a guide to better buying and selling, reproduced on the following
pages are forty plates of Mahogany veneers in a variety of figures and patterns including several that are comparatively rare.
George N. Lamb
Al Albini


INCOMPARABLE BEAUTY-Genuine Mahogany has brilliantly enriched design conceptions compatible with today’s gracious living. For over 200 years it has been the inspiration of creative craftsmen from the 18th Century cabinetmakers down to contemporary designers Its beauty has enhanced the quality of both traditional and modern designs.

VARIETY OF FIGURES-Few, if any, other cabinet woods have the wide variety of figures that are found in Mahogany. The turns and twists in the grain that create exciting figures are distinctly unique in character. Mahogany is the wood in which the many beautiful wood figures first became known Mottle, fiddle-back, swirl, crotch, broken stripe and others were first used to describe Mahogany-the most romantic of all cabinet woods.

WIDE RANGE OF FINISHES-Be it natural or toned finishes, old world or copper tones, Mahogany has great adaptability to the fine finishing that accentuates its inherent beauty. It can be finished in any color from light to dark and others between the two extremes. Its unique texture and freedom from defect are the reasons why Mahogany is so adaptable to modern finishing methods.

PERFECT MEDIUM OF GOOD DESIGN-When the variety of figures is multiplied by the wide range of finishes, the possibilities of distinctive design are unlimited with Mahogany. And, because Mahogany offers the perfect medium of expression for an design theme in furniture or cabinetwork, why experiment with woods or imitations that have less to offer in beauty, versatility, and durability which give permanent satisfaction?

THE MEASURE OF QUALITY-Because of a fortunate combination of properties essential to a first-class cabinet wood, genuine Mahogany has attained an excellent reputation down through the centuries. Chief among these properties which Mahogany possesses to a high degree are attractive appearance, fine finishing qualities, ease of working with tools, and ability "stay in place".

In Mahogany are found the combination of qualities desired by master
craftsmen. And, because it has so many fine characteristics, Mahogany is truly the measure by which other cabinet woods are judged. That’s why it’s the MEDIUM OF MASTERS.



HOW FIGURES ARE FORMED-Figure in wood is the pattern formed by four basic factors or combination of these things: (1) the growth rings, (2) the medullary or pith rays, (3) pigment figure (irregular infiltrations of coloring matter), and (4) irregularities of growth, such as cross grain, wavy grain, or various other distortions of the normal course of the fibers.

CROTCH-Mahogany’s famous crotch figure comes from the trunk of the tree just below where it forks into two nearly equal branches. The outer portions of this block, top and bottom, produce swirl figure veneers that gradually merge into the true crotch figure produced from the central part of the block. Note that the crotch figure is inverted when used on the vertical surf ace of furniture.

STRIPE AND MOTTLE-The illustration on the left shows Mahogany cut on the quarter with the grain. The alternate in-and-out direction of the grain produces the typical stripe figure. If in addition to this interlocking grain there are also cross wrinkles in the grain, the stripe figure becomes a mottle. The variation in the interlocking grain areas and the cross wrinkles give rise to the endless variety and combinations of stripes, broken stripes, mottle and fiddle-back figures.

PORES-The pores in genuine Mahogany are tubular vessels, that extend from the roots through the trunk to the branch terminals. They show up on the surface of lumber or veneer as fine pen lines, dashes or dots (see illustration) accordingly as the cut is parallel to the grain or more or less slightly across the grain. They tend to mark the direction of the grain and therefore emphasize and bring out the grain pattern or figure. In light finishes, the pores are often given a dark filler to accentuate the grain pattern. Light filler does the same for dark finishes.

PITH RAYS-Pith rays are very small and thin wavering bands that extend from the pith or heart of a tree to the circumference. In Mahogany they show up as small flakes on surfaces that are on the true quarter. Such areas are often designated as “sycamore grain” which wood has much larger pith rays.