Enjoying Everyday Life is a Christian television series hosted by Joyce Meyer. Joyce Meyer (born Pauline Joyce Hutchison; June 4, 1943) is a Charismatic Christian author and speaker. Meyer and her husband Dave have four grown children, and live outside St. Louis, Missouri. Her ministry is headquartered in the St. Louis suburb of Fenton, Missouri.
Meyer speaks humorously, sharing with her audience her own shortcomings and taking playful jabs at stereotypical church behavior. A particular crowd favorite is the “robot” routine, in which she goes into a stiff-armed imitation of a robot chanting “What about me? What about me?”
According to Joyce Meyer Ministries, Meyer earned her doctoral degree from Life Christian University, an unaccredited institution in Tampa, Florida.[7] Meyer has been given an Honorary Doctorate of Divinity by Oral Roberts University, an accredited institution in Tulsa, Oklahoma.
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Overcoming Emotional Wrinkles
You press them with an iron. The steady pressure of the iron, along with some heat, turns those wrinkled clothes into attractive outfits. But without the pressing, they stay wrinkled.
Lets take a look at the word press. It means “to exert pressure on something.” Sometimes we need to apply a push to something, or squeeze something, to make things happen. Lemons have to be “pressed” to make lemonade. A certain amount of “press” is needed to print a newspaper.
Pressing can be good.
Let’s apply this to your spiritual life. . .
God has a plan for you – a destiny He sees from beginning to end. Jeremiah 29:11 says,For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future (NIV).
God’s plans are always good, but sometimes we are our own worst enemy . . . We let things trip us up, sidetrack us, and hold us back from God’s best. And oftentimes, our emotion are the culprit. We allow anger, resentment, guilt, shame, jealousy and other toxic emotions to keep God’s best out of reach.
If you want to grow and progress as a Christian, you need to be willing to press in and confront negative emotions like anger and resentment. Then, you need to press on past it and keep growing, or you will never have victory in your life. Let’s take a closer look.

I’ve been teaching a lot lately on emotions because God has given me some great insights on this subject. I used to be one of the many who allowed their emotions to control them. That is definitely not the best way to live your life. Yes, feelings are real. They serve a purpose. But they don’t need to be in control.
You need to press pass your feelings.