Rabu, 29 November 2017

Ancient Beehive Tombs

Ancient beehive tombs at the Al-Ayn archaeological site near Bat, Oman
Makam kuno berbentuk sarang lebah di situs arkeologi Al-Ayn dekat Bat, Oman

Jebel Misht, a towering limestone mountain in northern Oman makes an impressive backdrop for the beehive tombs of Al-Ayn. These necropolises are estimated to be roughly 5,000 years old. Their evocative name comes from the rings of stone that make the dome-like structures resemble a beehive. Although many of the Bronze Age tombs have been raided over the ages for building materials, their sheer isolation in such a far-flung part of the desert has protected them for millennia. UNESCO lent them even greater protection when it designated Al-Ayn (together with nearby Bat and Al-Khutm) as a World Heritage Site.
Jebel Misht, sebuah gunung batu kapur yang menjulang tinggi di utara Oman membuat latar belakang yang mengesankan untuk makam Al-Ayn yang berbentuk seperti sarang lebah. Pekuburan ini diperkirakan berumur 5.000 tahun. Nama yang menarik yang berasal dari bentuk struktur cincin batu seperti kubah menyerupai sarang lebah. Meskipun banyak makam Zaman Perunggu telah dijarah selama berabad-abad untuk bahan bangunan, karena lokasinya di gurun yang jauh, pekuburan itu terrlindungi selama ribuan tahun. UNESCO memberi mereka perlindungan yang lebih lagi saat situs Al-Ayn (bersama dengan Bat dan Al-Khutm di dekatnya) ditunjuk sebagai Situs Warisan Dunia.

Source: https://www.bing.com/search?q=Bat%2C+Al-Khutm%2C+and+Al-Ayn%2C+Oman&p1=[MustShow%20Service="BingQA"%20Scenario="Encyclopedia"%20Position="TOP"%20Slot="0"]&filters=IsConversation%3a%22True%22+BTEPKey:%22Encyclo_693%22+sid:%2247e2687a-a702-9b6f-a597-c50514d07923%22&FORM=EMSARS

Minggu, 26 November 2017

Beruang Kutub

A polar bear dives underwater
Beruang kutub menyelam di bawah air

This magnificent creature’s Latin name is spot-on: Ursus maritimus. ‘Ursus’ meaning bear, and ‘maritimus’ describing the bear’s habitat—maritime lands bordering the sea. And in this animal’s case, it’s a very cold neighborhood, indeed—the polar bear lives in the Arctic. A surprisingly agile swimmer for its bulk (males weigh more than 900 pounds on average), the polar bear’s massive paws provide strong propulsion through the frigid ocean. A polar bear will even dive for sea urchins and blue mussels when the tasty morsels are available.
Nama Latin yang diberikan untuk makhluk yang menakjubkan ini sangat tepat: Ursus maritimus. 'Ursus' berarti beruang, dan 'maritimus' menggambarkan habitat beruang - lahan maritim yang berbatasan dengan laut. Dan dalam kasus binatang ini, habitatnya adalah lingkungan yang sangat dingin, memang - beruang kutub tinggal di Arktik. Perenang yang ketangkasannya mengejutkan bagi sebuah makhluk yang berukuran besar (jantan rata-rata beratnya lebih dari 900pon/400kg), cakar beruang kutub yang besar memberikan dorongan yang kuat untuk menembus laut yang dingin. Beruang kutub bahkan akan menyelam demi landak laut dan kupang saat potongan makanan lezat itu tersedia.

Recent research shows that the huge white bear is an endurance swimmer as well. Long-distance swims upwards of 200 miles have been charted. Researchers theorize this may be due to the increasing distances between ice floes and land masses as the earth’s polar ice recedes.
Penelitian terbaru menunjukkan bahwa beruang putih besar ini adalah perenang yang memiliki ketahanan pula. Telah terpetakan jarak tempuhnya sejauh di atas 200mil/320km. Periset berteori ini mungkin disebabkan oleh meningkatnya jarak antara lapisan es dan massa tanah saat es kutub di bumi berkurang.

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Kamis, 23 November 2017


We have just released a short video inviting you to join us for Advent this year. Advent is a time to expectantly prepare for the coming of Christ into the world and to reflect on Emmanuel, God with us. 

However, we still lead very busy lives during this time. In fact, life often becomes more stressful. That's why we're hoping that our daily prayers and Advent Retreat can be a great way for you to stop and experience the joy of Christ's coming into our world. 

This video is also a great way to share us with friends around the world who might enjoy our resources. Whilst you're there, feel free to subscribe to our new Youtube channel too!

Mikołaj Cempla (Filmmaker)
We were blessed to have had up and coming filmmaker Mikołaj Cempla working with us on this project. Mikołaj creates stunning videos for non-profits, business, artists and more. See some more of his work and find out about him. 

Salt of the Sound
As long-time artists with Pray As You Go, Salt of the Sound are a familiar sound to our PAYG listeners. They are the beautiful music behind this video and have a wonderful album for Christmas called 'Waiting for the Dawn'. 

Luke 19:45-48

Jesus at the Temple

45 When Jesus entered the temple courts, he began to drive out those who were selling. 46 “It is written,” he said to them, “‘My house will be a house of prayer’; but you have made it ‘a den of robbers.”
47 Every day he was teaching at the temple. But the chief priests, the teachers of the law and the leaders among the people were trying to kill him. 48 Yet they could not find any way to do it, because all the people hung on his words.

Today is Friday the 24 November, the memorial of St Andrew Dung-Lac and companions, in the thirty-third week of ordinary time.

The community of Taizé sing: Tu/ amorist signer. Let me make these words my prayer, as I listen: 'Holy Spirit, come to us. Kindle in us the fire of your love.'

Today's reading is from the Gospel of Luke.

Elsewhere in the Gospels, we see Jesus treat "sinners" with great compassion. But, here,there's no hiding the fact that Jesus vents his righteous anger - turning over tables and chasing people out of the Temple. 

In this very short passage we see a side to Jesus that is remarkably human: things really getting to him.

What is it, do you think, that makes Jesus so angry?

Sumber : https://www.pray-as-you-go.org/home/