Senin, 23 Oktober 2017

Figure Types In Mahogany


Accepted Standards-For the past 20 years the Mahogany veneer plates which have appeared in The Mahogany Book have become the accepted standards for specifying Mahogany in the veneer and plywood industries and by manufacturers using veneer plywood products.

These plates, which are reproduced in this book, have become the standard sales and ordering guide by the many users and purchasers of Mahogany veneer. Designers, architects, and the purchasing departments of manufacturers and government agencies freely use the notation: M. B. Pl.
No.______ to designate their selection of Mahogany veneer.

While The Mahogany Book plates are the accepted standard of the industry, they are primarily used in specifications to establish a close approximation as to what is desired or what is available. As everyone knows, in all wood veneers there are innumerable variations and combinations that may occur between one figure and another. Because of this, the plates are not to be considered as swatches of something man-made like wallpaper or fabrics.

Allowable Tolerances-It is a well-known fact that the veneer of no lee trees is exactly alike. Often two flitches from the same tree will vary considerably. Also, the figure pattern in a single sheet of veneer may vary to some extent.

Therefore, it is up to the parties involved to determine what tolerances are allowable. And, it should be kept in mind that tolerance should be greater with large quantities of veneer than for small quantities.

While the Mahogany plates serve a very useful purpose, often a few added words at the time a transaction is made will serve to make the meeting of minds more complete and avoid subsequent disagreement.

Periodically the Association receives requests from buyer or seller to decide what should be a fair fulfillment of a specification based on the plates in The Mahogany Book. Because this is a matter that must be agreed upon by the buyer and seller, the Association cannot make such rulings.

As a guide to better buying and selling, reproduced on the following
pages are forty plates of Mahogany veneers in a variety of figures and patterns including several that are comparatively rare.
George N. Lamb
Al Albini


INCOMPARABLE BEAUTY-Genuine Mahogany has brilliantly enriched design conceptions compatible with today’s gracious living. For over 200 years it has been the inspiration of creative craftsmen from the 18th Century cabinetmakers down to contemporary designers Its beauty has enhanced the quality of both traditional and modern designs.

VARIETY OF FIGURES-Few, if any, other cabinet woods have the wide variety of figures that are found in Mahogany. The turns and twists in the grain that create exciting figures are distinctly unique in character. Mahogany is the wood in which the many beautiful wood figures first became known Mottle, fiddle-back, swirl, crotch, broken stripe and others were first used to describe Mahogany-the most romantic of all cabinet woods.

WIDE RANGE OF FINISHES-Be it natural or toned finishes, old world or copper tones, Mahogany has great adaptability to the fine finishing that accentuates its inherent beauty. It can be finished in any color from light to dark and others between the two extremes. Its unique texture and freedom from defect are the reasons why Mahogany is so adaptable to modern finishing methods.

PERFECT MEDIUM OF GOOD DESIGN-When the variety of figures is multiplied by the wide range of finishes, the possibilities of distinctive design are unlimited with Mahogany. And, because Mahogany offers the perfect medium of expression for an design theme in furniture or cabinetwork, why experiment with woods or imitations that have less to offer in beauty, versatility, and durability which give permanent satisfaction?

THE MEASURE OF QUALITY-Because of a fortunate combination of properties essential to a first-class cabinet wood, genuine Mahogany has attained an excellent reputation down through the centuries. Chief among these properties which Mahogany possesses to a high degree are attractive appearance, fine finishing qualities, ease of working with tools, and ability "stay in place".

In Mahogany are found the combination of qualities desired by master
craftsmen. And, because it has so many fine characteristics, Mahogany is truly the measure by which other cabinet woods are judged. That’s why it’s the MEDIUM OF MASTERS.



HOW FIGURES ARE FORMED-Figure in wood is the pattern formed by four basic factors or combination of these things: (1) the growth rings, (2) the medullary or pith rays, (3) pigment figure (irregular infiltrations of coloring matter), and (4) irregularities of growth, such as cross grain, wavy grain, or various other distortions of the normal course of the fibers.

CROTCH-Mahogany’s famous crotch figure comes from the trunk of the tree just below where it forks into two nearly equal branches. The outer portions of this block, top and bottom, produce swirl figure veneers that gradually merge into the true crotch figure produced from the central part of the block. Note that the crotch figure is inverted when used on the vertical surf ace of furniture.

STRIPE AND MOTTLE-The illustration on the left shows Mahogany cut on the quarter with the grain. The alternate in-and-out direction of the grain produces the typical stripe figure. If in addition to this interlocking grain there are also cross wrinkles in the grain, the stripe figure becomes a mottle. The variation in the interlocking grain areas and the cross wrinkles give rise to the endless variety and combinations of stripes, broken stripes, mottle and fiddle-back figures.

PORES-The pores in genuine Mahogany are tubular vessels, that extend from the roots through the trunk to the branch terminals. They show up on the surface of lumber or veneer as fine pen lines, dashes or dots (see illustration) accordingly as the cut is parallel to the grain or more or less slightly across the grain. They tend to mark the direction of the grain and therefore emphasize and bring out the grain pattern or figure. In light finishes, the pores are often given a dark filler to accentuate the grain pattern. Light filler does the same for dark finishes.

PITH RAYS-Pith rays are very small and thin wavering bands that extend from the pith or heart of a tree to the circumference. In Mahogany they show up as small flakes on surfaces that are on the true quarter. Such areas are often designated as “sycamore grain” which wood has much larger pith rays.

Minggu, 22 Oktober 2017


tak lela lela lela ledhung
cup menenga aja pijer nangis
anakku sing bagus rupane
yèn nangis ndhak ilang baguse

tak gadhang bisa urip mulyo
dadiya pria utama
ngluhurke asmane wong tuwa
dadiya pendhekaring bangsa

wis cup menenga anakku
kae mbulane ndadari
kaya buta nggegilani
lagi nggoleki cah nangis

tak lela lela lela ledhung
énggal menenga ya cah bagus
tak emban slendhang bathik kawung
yèn nangis mundak bapa bingung
tak lela lela ledhung

sumber :
Lagu pengantar tidur bahasa Jawa - Javanese Lullaby

Sabtu, 21 Oktober 2017

this too, will pass ..

Pada suatu hari,seorang Bijak meminta kepada seorang tukang emas yang sudah tua renta untuk membuat cincin dan menuliskan sesuatu di dalamnya. Sang Bijak berpesan,"Tuliskanlah sesuatu yang bisa kamu simpulkan dari seluruh pengalaman dan perjalanan hidupmu supaya bisa menjadi pelajaran bagi hidup saya".

Berbulan-bulan si tukang emas yang tua membuat cincin tersebut merenung kalimat apa yang patut diukir di cincin emas yang kecil itu. Akhirnya, si tukang emas itupun menyerahkan cincinnya pada sang Bijak.

Dengan tersenyum, sang Bijak membaca tulisan kecil di cincin itu. Bunyinya, "THIS TOO, WILL PASS" (artinya "DAN YANG INIPUN AKAN BERLALU").

Awalnya sang Bijak tidak terlalu paham dengan tulisan itu. Tapi, suatu ketika, tatkala menghadapi persoalan hidup yang pelik, akhirnya ia membaca tulisan di cincin itu "DAN YANG INIPUN AKAN BERLALU" lalu ia pun menjadi lebih tenang

Dan tatkala ia sedang bersenang-senang, ia pun tak sengaja membaca tulisan di cincin itu "DAN YANG INIPUN AKAN BERLALU" lantas ia menjadi rendah hati kembali.

Ketika kamu lagi punya masalah besar ataupun sedang lagi kondisi terlalu gembira, ingatlah kalimat "DAN YANG INIPUN AKAN BERLALU"
Tidak ada satupun yg langgeng.

Jadi, ketika kamu punya masalah, tidaklah perlu terlalu bersedih.
Tapi, tatkala kamu lagi senang, nikmatilah selagi kamu bisa senang
Ingatlah, apapun yg kamu hadapi saat ini, semuanya akan berlalu.
Jadilah :
•tetap SEJUK di tempat yg Panas..
•tetap MANIS di tempat yg begitu Pahit..
•tetap merasa KECIL meskipun telah menjadi Besar..
•tetap TENANG di tengah Badai yg paling Hebat.. &


Ada seorang petani miskin memiliki seekor kuda putih yang sangat cantik dan gagah!! Suatu hari, seorang saudagar kaya ingin membeli kuda itu dan menawar dengan harga yang sangat tinggi. Sayang si petani miskin itu tidak menjualnya. Teman-temannya menyayangkan dan mengejek dia karena tidak menjual kudanya itu.

Keesokan harinya, kuda itu hilang dari kandangnya, maka teman-temannya berkata, "Sungguh jelek nasibmu, padahal jika kemarin kuda itu dijual kamu kaya, tetapi sekarang kudamu sudah hilang". Si petani miskin hanya diam saja ....

Beberapa hari kemudian, kuda si petani kembali bersama 5 ekor kuda lainnya. Lalu teman-temannya berkata, "Wah beruntung sekali nasibmu, ternyata kudamu membawa keberuntungan". Si petani hanya diam saja ....

Beberapa hari kemudian, anak si petani yang sedang melatih kuda-kuda baru mereka, terjatuh dan kakinya patah!! Teman-temannya berkata, "Rupanya kuda-kuda itu membawa sial, lihat sekarang anakmu kakinya patah". Si petani tetap diam tanpa komentar ....

Seminggu kemudian terjadi peperangan di wilayah itu. Semua anak muda di desa dipaksa utk berperang, kecuali si anak petani karena tidak bisa berjalan. Teman-temannya mendatangi si petani sambil menangis, "Beruntung sekali nasibmu karena anakmu tidak ikut berperang, kami harus kehilangan anak-anak kami!!"


Janganlah terlalu cepat membuat kesimpulan dengan mengatakan nasib baik atau jelek, semuanya adalah suatu rangkaian proses. Syukuri dan terimalah keadaan yang terjadi saat ini!! Apa yang kelihatan baik hari ini belum tentu baik untuk hari esok. Apa yang buruk hari ini belum tentu buruk untuk hari esok.

Yang  pasti .... Tuhan paling tahu yang terbaik buat kita. Bagian kita adalah mengucap syukur dalam segala hal, sebab itulah yang dikehendaki Ʈυћαπ.

sumber :


Ungkapan itu muncul dalam karya-karya penyair sufi Persia ( این نیز بگذرد, bogzarad niz een), seperti Sanai dan Attar dari Nisyapur. Attar. mencatat dongeng seorang raja yang meminta sekumpulan orang bijak untuk membuat cincin yang akan membuatnya bahagia saat ia sedih, dan sebaliknya. Setelah musyawarah para orang bijak memberinya cincin sederhana dengan kata-kata "Ini pun akan berlalu" terukir di atasnya. Cincin ini memiliki efek yang diinginkan oleh sang Raja.

Cerita rakyat Yahudi sering melakonkan Salomo sebagai raja yang direndahkan hatinya oleh pepatah ini, atau sebagai seseorang yang memberikan pepatah ini kepada orang lain. Banyak versi cerita rakyat yang telah dicatat oleh Arsip Cerita Rakyat di University of Haifa, Israel. Dalam beberapa versi pepatah ini disederhanakan lebih jauh, hanya muncul sebagai huruf Ibrani gimel, zayin, dan yud, singkatan dari "גם זה יעבור" (yaavor gam zeh).
Dalam cerita rakyat Turki, ungkapan ini biasanya digunakan dalam cerita pendek dan lagu. Penggunaan ungkapan dalam bahasa Turki sehari-hari diperkirakan telah berakar pada lagu-lagu dan cerita.

Cerita ini, yang umumnya melekat pada seorang Raja "tanpa nama" dari timur, menjadi populer di Barat pada paruh pertama abad 19, muncul di koran Amerika oleh setidaknya 1839 Pada tahun 1852 penyair Inggris Edward Fitzgerald memasukkan versi singkat dari dongeng ini di kumpulan Polonius: Kumpulan Kisah Bijak dan Modern Contoh. Versi Fitzgerald, berjudul "Seal Salomo", menggambarkan seorang sultan meminta Raja Salomo kalimat yang akan selalu benar dalam waktu baik atau buruk; Salomo menjawab, "Ini pun akan berlalu" Pada tanggal 30 September 1859, Abraham Lincoln menggunakan kisah serupa dalam "Pidato Pada Masyarakat Pertanian Negeri Wisconsin, Milwaukee, Wisconsin", sehingga lebih memopulerkan pepatah ini lebih lanjut:
Dikatakan seorang raja Timur meminta orang-orang bijak untuk menemukan kalimat untuknya, yang akan selalu dalam pandangannya, dan yang harus benar dan tepat di setiap waktu dan situasi. Mereka memberikannya kepadanya kata-kata: "Dan ini pun, akan berlalu." Betapa mengungkapkan kalimat ini! Sangat menjerakan pada puncak kebanggaan! Sangat menghibur di kedalaman penderitaan!(September 30, 1859)

Rabu, 11 Oktober 2017

Hope - Inspired Life by Nick Vujicic

Born without arms or legs, motivational speaker and evangelist Nick Vujicic shares the unique perspective he’s discovered through a life of adapting and overcoming, along with key insights, inspiration, and hope from God’s Word.
Terlahir tanpa lengan atau kaki, motivator dan pembicara Nick Vujicic berbagi perspektif unik yang dia temukan melalui kehidupan dengan cara beradaptasi dan melampaui, melalui pencerahan, inspirasi, dan harapan dari Firman Tuhan.

First Day of School

Go figure. As a little kid, I didn’t really realize I was different until I showed up to my first day of school.

That first day of kindergarten was a disaster! My mom remembers how I couldn’t stop crying. See, I was born without arms and legs. And growing up, my parents treated me just like a normal kid. Because I was a normal kid! Apparently my classmates couldn’t handle the shock of seeing a kid without limbs. Some laughed. Some freaked out. Others just avoided me.

Hari Pertama Sekolah

Coba perhatikan. Sebagai anak kecil, aku tidak begitu sadar bahwa aku berbeda sampai aku masuk di hari pertama sekolahku.

Hari pertama masuk TK waktu itu adalah sebuah bencana! Ibuku pasti ingat bagaimana aku tidak bisa berhenti menangis. Lihatlah, aku lahir tanpa lengan dan kaki. Kemudian aku tumbuh dewasa, orang tuaku memperlakukan aku seperti anak normal. Karena aku memang normal! Rupanya teman sekelasku tidak bisa mengatasi keterkejutan melihat anak tanpa anggota badan. Beberapa tertawa. Beberapa panik. Yang lain hanya menghindariku.

This experience was just the beginning of a long journey toward finding my identity. I’ve had my ups and downs, and even a season of depression in my teen years. But through it all, I’ve learned to let God define me. Not others who see me.
Pengalaman ini barulah sebuah permulaan dari sebuah perjalanan panjang untuk menemukan identitasku. Aku mengalami pasang surut, dan bahkan musim depresi di tahun-tahun remaja saya. Tapi melalui semua itu, saya telah belajar menyerahkan kepada kehendak Tuhan dalam hidup saya. Bukanlah orang lain yang melihat saya.

Now that I’m an adult, I’ve grown familiar with double takes. Everywhere I go, I can feel people glancing in my direction. But here’s what God has done. He’s taught me to use those otherwise awkward moments for His glory. He’s taught me to catch people’s eyes and to smile back until they smile, too.
Sekarang setelah aku dewasa, aku sudah terbiasa dengan kebutuhan ganda. Ke mana pun saya pergi, saya bisa merasakan orang melirik ke arah saya. Tapi inilah yang Tuhan kehendaki. Dia mengajariku untuk menggunakan saat-saat yang sepertinya tidak lazim bagi kemuliaan-Nya. Dia mengajariku agar menangkap tatapan mata orang lain dan tersenyum sampai mereka membalas tersenyum juga.

Life without limbs has opened up incredible opportunities to touch people, and meet them in their weakness. Jesus taught me to smile, to talk and to reflect His love. And by the way, once I got to know my little kindergarten buddies, we got along just fine!
Hidup tanpa tangan dan kaki telah membuka kesempatan luar biasa untuk menyentuh hidup orang-orang lain, dan bertemu mereka dalam kelemahan mereka. Yesus mengajari saya untuk tersenyum, berbicara dan mencerminkan cinta-Nya. Dan omong-omong, begitu aku mengenal teman-teman kecilku di TK, kami bisa bergaul dengan baik juga!

How Come You Smile So Much?

People often ask me, “Nick, how come you smile so much?”
Well, it hasn’t always been this way. These days, I’ve got lots to smile about. In fact, my friends tell me I’m irrepressible. But when I was young, not so much. Most kids feel a little insecure, but I really struggled with my fears. Other kids kept telling me I wasn’t good enough, reinforcing my own doubts that I would never amount to anything. And I got down, man. Seriously depressed. No one was more shocked than my parents when they gave birth to a little boy without arms and legs. No one saw it coming. Three ultrasounds and all the doctors missed it. Life without limbs is tough to deal with.

Bagaimana Kau Bisa Banyak Senyum?

Orang sering bertanya kepada saya, "Nick, bagaimana Anda bisa begitu sering tersenyum?"
Yah, sebelumnya tidak selalu seperti itu. Hari-hari ini, aku memiliki banyak hal yang dapat membuatku tersenyum. Kadang, teman-temanku mengatakan bahwa aku seperti tidak punya beban.
Tapi saat aku masih muda tidak begitu. Kebanyakan anak  lain merasa sedikit tidak nyaman, tapi sebetulnya aku benar-benar berjuang dari ketakutanku. Anak-anak lain terus mengatakan bahwa aku tidak cukup baik, memperkuat keraguan saya sendiri bahwa saya tidak akan pernah berarti apa-apa. Dan aku terpuruk, Bung. Benar-benar depresi berat. Tidak ada yang lebih kaget selain orang tuaku saat mereka melahirkan anak laki-lakinya tanpa lengan dan kaki. Tidak ada yang menyangka. Tiga kali USG dan semua dokter tidak mengetahuinya. Hidup tanpa lengan dan kaki sangat sulit.

As a kid, I eventually learned to cope with the teasing. But there came a time in my own heart when I really wondered if I could go on. At my lowest moment, God taught me to smile. It was nothing I did for myself. It’s what Jesus did for me.
Sebagai seorang anak kecil, akhirnya aku belajar mengatasi ejekan tersebut. Tapi ada saatnya aku sendiri merasa, saat aku benar-benar bertanya-tanya apakah aku bisa terus maju. Di saat yang paling rendah dalam hidupku, Tuhan mengajariku untuk tersenyum. Itu bukan apa yang aku lakukan untuk diriku sendiri. Itulah yang Yesus lakukan untukku.

So now when people ask, “Hey, Nick, how come you smile so much?” I’m ready with an answer. I smile because I’m loved. And second, I smile because everything’s going to be okay.
Jadi sekarang ketika orang bertanya, "Hei, Nick, kenapa kamu sering kali tersenyum?" Aku siap dengan sebuah jawaban. Aku tersenyum karena aku dicintai. Dan kedua, aku tersenyum karena semuanya akan baik-baik saja.

Hey, when the world says you’re not good enough, get a second opinion. Ask Jesus. He’ll give you every reason in the world to smile.
Hei, ketika dunia bilang kamu tidak cukup baik, dapatkan pendapat lain. Tanyakan pada Yesus, Dia akan memberimu cukup alasan di dunia ini untuk tersenyum.

The “I” Word

Ever had someone crush your dream? It sounds something like this: “What? You wanna do what? You gotta be kiddin’ me! You’re outta your mind!” Then they drop the I-bomb. They say, “That’s impossible!” It’s especially painful when someone we respect lets this ominous word slip out.

Kata Dengan Huruf "I"

Pernahkah seseorang menghancurkan mimpimu? Kedengarannya seperti ini: "Apa? Kamu ingin melakukan apa? Kamu pasti bercanda ya! Kamu sudah kehilangan akal sehatmu! "Kemudian mereka menjatuhkan bom "I". Mereka berkata, Itu tidak mungkin! "Impossible." Ini sangat menyakitkan ketika seseorang yang kita hormati membiarkan kata-kata yang tidak menyenangkan ini terucap.

Well, I’m just stubborn enough, just old enough, just seasoned enough, to quit paying attention to the word, impossible. God’s given me a filter for dismissing the I-word! Because I know that with God nothing is impossible!
Yah, saya mungkin cukup keras kepala, cukup umur, cukup dengan pengalaman, untuk berhenti memperhatikan kata 'tidak mungkin'. Tuhan memberi saya filter untuk menolak kata-kata 'impossible' itu! Karena saya tahu bahwa bersama Tuhan tidak ada yang mustahil!

Imagine how my mom and dad felt. When I was born, they were overwhelmed, big time. You can’t blame them! They couldn’t imagine having the strength and patience to take care of a limbless little boy. But God stepped in and graciously provided everything they needed.
Bayangkan, bagaimana perasaan ibu dan ayahku. Ketika aku lahir, mereka kewalahan, sangat kewalahan. Anda tidak bisa menyalahkan mereka! Mereka tidak bisa membayangkan dapat memiliki kekuatan dan kesabaran untuk merawat anak kecilnya yang tanpa lengan dan kaki. Tapi Tuhan melangkah masuk dan dengan murah hati memberikan semua yang mereka butuhkan.

What’s got you down today? What’s overwhelming you? What stands in your way today as an impossibility? Have you ever noticed the first two letters in the word impossible? Yeah, I-M. Me, me, me. It’s time to take your eyes off yourself and fix them on the only One who can conquer any challenge.
Apa yang membuatmu murung hari ini? Apa yang membuatmu kewalahan? Apa yang menghalangi jalanmu hari ini sebagai sebuah kemustahilan? Pernahkah Anda memperhatikan dua huruf pertama dalam kata 'impossible'? Ya, I-M. I'm. Aku, aku, aku. Inilah saatnya untuk melepaskan pandangan Anda dari diri Anda sendiri dan arahkan hanya pada Pribadi yang bisa menaklukkan tantangan apapun.

When you do this, you’ll discover the greatest power in all of life. With God all things are possible. He can do it! That’s the reason we can say with full confidence, “I can do all things through Him who strengthens me”.
Bila Anda melakukan itu, Anda akan menemukan kekuatan terbesar dalam seluruh kehidupan. Dengan Tuhan segala sesuatu itu mungkin. Dia bisa melakukannya! Itulah alasan kita bisa mengatakan dengan penuh keyakinan, "Saya dapat melakukan semua hal melalui Dia yang menguatkan saya".

Winning at Life

I just love sports! I love the competition and that exciting energy you feel when a team works together for victory.

If you play soccer, football or any other competitive sport, you know the thrill of winning. There’s nothing better than defeating your opponent and clinching a title! In fact, sometimes I feel like God designed us to win!

Menang Di Dalam Kehidupan

Saya suka olahraga! Saya menyukai kompetisi dan energi yang muncul yang Anda rasakan, saat tim bekerja sama untuk meraih kemenangan.

Jika Anda bermain sepak bola, sepak bola atau olahraga kompetitif lainnya, Anda tahu sensasi kemenangan. Tidak ada yang lebih baik dari mengalahkan lawan dan meraih kemenangan! Sebenarnya, terkadang aku merasa, Tuhan merancang kita untuk menang!

When it comes to spiritual matters, God wants every one of us to be conquerors. And He’s provided a way for that to happen! But victory in life doesn’t necessarily come to those who are talented or athletic. It doesn’t come from being the most intelligent or the wealthiest. It doesn’t even come to those who play the game right.
No, victory comes when you surrender it all to Jesus Christ.
Ketika menyangkut masalah rohani, Tuhan ingin kita masing-masing menjadi penakluk. Dan Dia menyediakan jalan untuk mewujudkannya! Tapi kemenangan dalam hidup tidak selalu datang kepada mereka yang berbakat atau atletis. Itu tidak berasal dari yang paling cerdas atau paling kaya. Itu bahkan tidak datang kepada mereka yang memainkan permainan dengan benar. Tidak, kemenangan datang saat Anda menyerahkan semuanya kepada Yesus Kristus.

Have you made that decision yet? No matter what you’ve done, no matter what kind of dirt you may have in your past, the victory is yours when you say, “Jesus, forgive me of my sins. I need you. Come into my life and change me.”
Sudahkah kamu membuat keputusan itu? Tidak peduli apa yang telah Anda lakukan, tidak peduli apa pun jenis kotoran yang Anda miliki di masa lalu, kemenangan itu ada pada Anda saat Anda berkata, "Yesus, maafkan saya atas dosa-dosa saya. Aku membutuhkanMu. Datanglah ke dalam hidupku dan ubahlah aku. "

Are you ready to let Him in? Are you ready to give up trying to win at life on your own?

It’s time for you to give up the fight. Turn your battles over to the only One who can fight on your behalf. And when you finally do, He will make sure you win. Big time.
Apakah Anda siap untuk membiarkan Dia masuk? Apakah Anda siap untuk berhenti dan meletakkan kuasa Anda sendiri untuk menang dalam hidup Anda?

Inilah saat bagi Anda untuk menyerahkan pertarungan. Serahkan pertarunganmu ke Satu-SatuNya yang bisa bertarung untukmu. Dan ketika Anda akhirnya melakukannya, Dia akan memastikan Anda menang. Pasti.

High Hopes for Heaven

Imagine a place where every curse is reversed—no more sickness, no more pain. Everything is beautiful and the joy never ends. That’s where I’d like to be!

Harapan Yang Tinggi Akan Surga

Bayangkan sebuah tempat di mana setiap kutukan diputarbalikkan-tidak ada lagi penyakit, tidak ada lagi rasa sakit. Semuanya indah dan sukacita tidak pernah berakhir. Di situlah aku ingin tinggal!

When’s the last time you thought about heaven? I don’t mean just a passing thought, but really sat down to think about what life is gonna be like in eternity? I have to tell you, I think about it all the time! Don’t get me wrong. I love my life and all the opportunities I have to make a difference on earth. But even the greatest joys are nothing compared to what we’ll experience when we meet Jesus face-to-face and live with Him forever.
Kapan terakhir kali kamu memikirkan surga? Saya tidak bermaksud hanya pemikiran yang sambil lalu, tapi benar-benar duduk untuk memikirkan kehidupan seperti apakah keabadian? Saya harus memberitahu Anda, saya memikirkannya sepanjang waktu! Jangan salah sangka. Saya mencintai hidup saya dan semua peluang yang saya miliki untuk membuat perbedaan di bumi. Tetapi bahkan sukacita terbesar pun tidak ada apa-apanya dibandingkan dengan apa yang akan kita alami saat kita bertemu Yesus, muka dengan muka, dan tinggal bersama Dia selamanya.

All the fears, the pain, difficulty, sorrow and wounds we experience right now will all become a distant memory when we join our Savior in heaven. And just think, all our physical ailments will be healed! I look forward to the day when I have arms and legs to run and jump and dance for joy over what my God has done.
Semua ketakutan, rasa sakit, kesusahan, kesedihan dan luka yang kita alami sekarang akan menjadi kenangan lama ketika kita menyatu dengan Juruselamat kita di surga. Dan coba pikirkan, semua penyakit fisik kita akan sembuh! Saya menantikan hari ketika saya memiliki lengan dan kaki untuk berlari dan melompat dan menari gembira atas apa yang telah dilakukan Tuhan saya.

So how about you? Do you look forward to heaven? If you believe in Jesus Christ, you have an amazing future ahead of you! Let that truth transform your life right now and give you hope.
Jadi bagaimana dengan Anda? Apakah Anda menantikan surga? Jika Anda percaya kepada Yesus Kristus, Anda memiliki masa depan yang menakjubkan di depan Anda! Biarkan kebenaran itu mengubah hidup Anda sekarang dan memberi Anda harapan.

Oh yeah, there’s one more thing I look forward to when I get to heaven. And that’s getting the opportunity to see you there! It’s going to be great.
Oh iya, ada satu hal lagi yang kuharapkan saat aku sampai ke surga. Dan itu mendapatkan kesempatan untuk melihat Anda di sana! Ini akan menjadi besar.

God is Enough

A wise friend once said to me, “Nicky, you may not have hands to hold your wife’s hands, but you don’t need hands to hold her heart!” These wise words were a powerful reminder to me that God is sufficient. He meets our every need.

Tuhan Itu Cukup

Seorang teman yang bijak pernah berkata kepada saya, "Nicky, Anda mungkin tidak memiliki tangan untuk memegang tangan istri Anda, tapi Anda tidak perlu tangan untuk memeluk hatinya!" Kata-kata bijak ini adalah pengingat kuat bagi saya bahwa dengan Tuhan segalanya akan dicukupi. Dia memenuhi setiap kebutuhan kita.

I’ve asked God for a lot of different things in my life. I don’t know if you’ve ever asked Him, “God, can I please have a million dollars?” Well, my prayer was this: “God, will you please give me arms and legs?” I’ve come to realize that our version of what we need rarely reflects God’s perfect plan. Our vision is so cloudy, so limited.
Aku telah meminta banyak hal dalam hidup kepada Tuhan. Saya tidak tahu apakah Anda pernah meminta kepada-Nya, "Tuhan, dapatkah saya mendapatkan satu juta dolar?" Nah, doa saya adalah ini: "Tuhan, tolong beri saya tangan dan kaki?" Kemudian saya menyadari bahwa versi kita tentang apa yang kita butuhkan jarang mencerminkan rencana Allah yang sempurna. Visi kita begitu kabur, sangat terbatas.

On the outside, I’m a little different than most people. But on the inside, I’m painfully normal. I struggle just like you do. But I’ve come to trust that God knows what’s best for me, and He provides everything I really need! This attitude kind of takes people off guard. At first they can’t figure me out. They don’t understand my smile or the sparkle in my eyes. Hey, it’s nothing I’ve done. It’s what Christ has done in me.
Di tampilan luar, saya sedikit berbeda dari kebanyakan orang. Tapi di dalam, saya juga sangat menderita seperti orang pada umumnya. Saya berjuang seperti Anda. Tapi saya percaya bahwa Tuhan tahu apa yang terbaik untuk saya, dan Dia memberikan semua yang saya butuhkan! Sikap seperti ini membuat orang salah mengerti. Awalnya mereka tidak bisa memahami saya. Mereka tidak mengerti senyuman saya atau kilauan di mata saya. Hei, itu bukan saya yang melakukan. Itulah yang telah dilakukan Kristus dalam diri saya.

No matter what circumstances come your way, God’s grace is enough. And He has a purpose for your life. Whatever your plight, God is enough. He will meet your every need.
Tidak peduli keadaan apa yang akan menghampiri, anugerah Tuhan sudahlah cukup. Dan Dia memiliki tujuan untuk hidup Anda. Apapun keadaanmu, Tuhan sudah cukup. Dia akan memenuhi setiap kebutuhan Anda.

Tears in a Bottle

When was the last time you had a good cry? I mean, a real good eyelid-flippin’ cry?

Air Mata Di Dalam Botol

Kapan terakhir kali Anda menangis? Maksud saya, tangisan yang benar-benar membasahi kelopak mata?

A lot of guys my age think tears are a sign of weakness. When you show that kind of emotion, it’s considered wimpy and unmanly. The last thing you want is to be caught boo-hooing in front of your friends.
Banyak pria seusiaku yang mengira air mata adalah tanda kelemahan. Bila Anda menunjukkan emosi seperti itu, itu dianggap pengecut dan tidak jantan. Anda tidak menginginkan tertangkap basah meraung dalam tangis di depan teman Anda.

But I’ll confess I’ve spent a fair amount of private moments in tears. Sometimes it’s sadness. Sometimes it’s fear. Sometimes it’s disappointment or even anger. But the best kind of tears come when you just stop and admit to God that you’re done. The best tears flow when you realize you’re completely inadequate.
Tapi saya akan menyatakan bahwa saya telah menghabiskan banyak waktu dan kesendirian di dalam tangis. Terkadang dalam kesedihan. Terkadang itu adalah ketakutan. Terkadang kekecewaan atau bahkan kemarahan. Tapi air mata terbaik datang saat Anda berhenti dan mengakukan kepada Tuhan bahwa Anda telah menyerah. Air mata terbaik mengalir saat Anda menyadari bahwa Anda sama sekali tidak layak.

I’m not talking about having some kind of spoiled brat outburst. I’m talking about those sacred moments between you and God when you tell him He is God and you are not. When you admit that you cannot do this thing on your own. I can tell you from experience, when you reach that valley of brokenness, that’s when the growing and the healing begins.
Saya bukan berbicara tentang semacam tangisan anak manja yang nakal dan yang meledak-ledak. Saya berbicara tentang saat-saat sakral antara Anda dan Tuhan saat Anda mengatakan kepadanya bahwa Dia adalah Tuhan dan Anda tidak. Bila Anda mengakui bahwa Anda tidak dapat melakukan hal ini sendiri. Saya dapat memberitahukan kepada Anda dari pengalaman, saat Anda mencapai lembah kehancuran, saat itulah pertumbuhan dan penyembuhan dimulai.

Are you emotionally depleted today? At the end of yourself? Feeling finished? God knows. He hasn’t missed one single teardrop.
Friend, He’s storing your tears in a bottle. And He’s ready to let the healing begin.
Apakah Anda secara emosional terkuras hari ini? Sampai pada titik akhir dari dirimu sendiri? Merasa ini adalah akhir? Tuhan tahu. Dia tidak melewatkan satu pun tetesan air mata.
Sobat, Dia menyimpan air matamu di botol. Dan Dia siap untuk memulai menyelenggarakan penyembuhan.

Selasa, 10 Oktober 2017


A blaze devastated Johar Market, a traditional market in Semarang, Central Java, over the week end of May 9th, 2015, causing hundreds of billions of rupiah in losses. Witnesses said the fire originated near bookstores on the second floor of the market at around 9 p.m. local time on Saturday. The fire quickly spread to other kiosks before engulfing Yaik Market, located on the western side of Johar Market, they said.

Some 16 fire trucks and dozens of firefighters attempted to extinguish the flames, with dozens of police officers, soldiers and local residents joining the effort. The fire trucks, dispatched from fire departments in Semarang and surrounding areas such as Demak, Kendal, Kudus and Pati, were fighting the flames until noon on Sunday. Around 8,000 vendors lost their kiosks in the blaze. The cause of the fire is still under investigation.


Johar Market Semarang is a meeting place between many sellers and buyers. Growing market presence in accordance with the development of Semarang city, and even contribute an important part in the creation of Semarang city life.

Roughly a century ago in 1860 there is a market that occupies the eastern part of the square plaza with a row of Johar trees on the side north of Semarang. The market location is to the west of Semarang market called Pedamaran, and also adjacent to the prison so that it becomes a place among those who visit their relatives that were imprisoned.

Johar market was becoming a crowded place and require an expansion of the land area. After a thorough assessment, Johar market expansion ultimately held by cutting the trees and erect a new building. In 1931 the old jail building located near Johar market demolished in related to the city government plans to set up a modern Central Market. Central market then was established with the aim to unite five existing markets, they were Johar, Pedamaran, Beteng, Jurnatan and Pekojan market.

Johar Market building is headed towards the East. Johar Market is a two-story building just to the side, while the center is a void. Transverse side of the building consists of six pieces trafe, and has four longitudinal sides trafe. With stone as foundation, reinforced with concrete structure, with the fungus columns system.
Column with six meter module with a hexagonal shape. This is called the fungus (mushroom) column construction. The flat roof is made of concrete. In certain parts of the roof, held elevation as the air holes.

The building is so efficient, so there is no yard or vacant open space for nothing. This is in accordance with the principles of Thomas Karsten.

Just north of Johar Market, Yaik Permai, were built later; at the east, there is JSC (Johar Shopping Center) that were completed in 1994, and to the south there is river of Semarang.

In 1933 the first draft of the proposal made by Thomas Karsten, the basic form resembles Jatingaleh market with a larger size. There is a concrete structure with a flat roof with the highest point is in the center. Nested skin parts, considering the high price of land that has been occur in the region.

However, the draft was changed the next three years in order to conduct efficiency. Because it has not fulfilled the desire, then even this plan changed back to the idea of re-constructed raised fungus. The legend says that the Johar market once known as the largest and most beautiful markets in Southeast Asia. Now the question is “could this be  a return of Johar traditional market Semarang as the largest market in South East Asia?”

Semarang Mayor, Mr. Hendrar Prihadi held an emergency meeting near the market shortly after arriving. “We have decided that the vendors will be temporarily relocated to Rejomulyo Market. For the time being, all of their goods and merchandise will be accommodated in the market,” he said.

Vendors in both the Johar and Yaik markets attempted to rescue their goods and merchandise as the fires raged, piling them on the street.

Mr. Hendrar Prihadi said trucks from the Semarang administration, the Semarang Disaster Mitigation Agency (BPBD), the police and the Indonesian Military (TNI) would help vendors relocate to Rejomulyo. “Our personnel attempted to extinguish the fires and secure the location, especially to protect the goods and merchandise rescued from the kiosks,” said Semarang Police chief Sr. Comr. Burhanudin.

The police said they had apprehended four individuals attempting to steal goods and merchandise from the burning markets. Azis, a Johar Market vendor, said losses suffered by the roughly 8,000 vendors were likely between Rp 100 million (US$7,700) and Rp 300 million apiece.

“I just want a place for us to start our businesses again. Hopefully, the government can act quickly [to find an alternative] because I need to work again,” said Azis, a clothing vendor.

The flames at Johar Market rapidly spread to the nearby Yaik Market from Saturday evening to Sunday morning. Some Semarang residents said it was painful to see such an important landmark destroyed. The market was on the city’s list of heritage sites.

The Semarang Historical Activists Community has called on the police to carefully investigate the cause of the fire. “If there are indications of an intention to set the markets ablaze, then the perpetrators are barbaric and do not understand the meaning of history and culture,” the community’s head, Rukardi, said.

Rukardi added there had been several attempts to revitalize Johar Market in recent years. “All vendors rejected the idea, however. Johar Market was the pride of Semarang and it was an icon of this city,” he said, adding he hoped the market could be rebuilt at the same location.

The existence of a traditional market compare to modern market which provide comfort and prestige for consumers is on the edge. There is a consequence for today trading place become more modern in lifestyles that thrive in the midst of the Indonesian people. Not only in the big city but it has expanded to a small town, in the suburb level. Many places that promises a comfortable shopping venue with a range of facilities and an attractive price. Modern markets offers goods in high-quality at a sure prices, and sometimes offer discounts. Also, they offer a wide selection of payment systems, ranging from credit cards to goods financial planning system. Surrounding with clean, bright, and has a well-functioning facilities such as toilets, a dining area, and a large parking area.

Competitive Advantage of Modern Market Seizing a Traditional Market

Modern markets and traditional markets competing in the same sector of the retail industry. On the one hand, modern market administered by professionals and self-contained facilities. While on the other side of the market is still confined to the traditional classical problem, management is still far from professional, also discomfort in shopping.

Modern retail market is able to provide all the needs in suitable price compare to traditional markets, sometimes the quality could be even better. If all this traditional market is considered superior in providing relatively lower prices for many commodities, with modern shopping facilities are much better economies in scale due to modern retailers and their direct access to the manufacturers can lower their cost of goods sold so that they are able to offer lower prices. Instead of traditional market traders, they generally have a small scale and face the long marketing chain to buy the goods that will be sold. Low cost advantages of traditional traders are now beginning to erode.

There were also an assumption that the traditional market advantage is also obtained from the location. The public will prefer shopping to the market that are closer. But now a modern shopping center continues to expand hunting a potential sites. With the increasingly widespread and spreading the location of a modern shopping center, its location advantage from traditional market will be lost.

A C Nielsen research results stating that in 2005 sales of grocery products in traditional market has decreased by 2% to its market share in 2005 to just 67.6%. The survey of 51 grocery product categories of traditional market is inedible to modern retail with mini market formation. While the survey results Dekopin (Indonesia Cooperative Council) said that the modern market like Indomaret, Alfamart, and the like kill 20 stalls around it. While for hypermarket if the distance is 2km away from the traditional markets can reduce turnover from 20% to 40%. In Bandung, West Java LGAs complained that traditional traders face decreased turnover in average of 40%, since the hypermarket presence in the city of Bandung. If the traditional markets in Indonesia could prevail, it will be a positive influence for Indonesia’s balance of payments. If the majority of Indonesian people prefer to shop at a traditional market, then the Modern market invasion will be able to hold. High quality local products that are currently sold in the modern market can be diverted for export.

Johar Market Semarang is a relic of history and a cultural heritage and need to be maintained, both the structure and the economic center in the city of Semarang.

Johar market revitalization is also a need so that the traders more comfortable. In addition to all, Johar market are classified as heritage buildings, it should be maintained. Johar is built by the Dutch architect Thomas Karsten in 1933.

Problems faced by the traders in Johar Market is also flooding tides (Rob). Revitalization meant is how there is no longer tidal flood struck, so that traders can comfortably work on economic activity.

The traditional market is a meeting place for sellers and buyers, and marked by a seller and buyer transaction directly, usually consists of building kiosks or outlets, stalls and open benthic nurseries. Nowadays, the market experienced growth both physical and non-physical. Developed into a market of modernization.

The term traditional and modern markets also came up. Traditional market presence grungy, muddy and narrow ranging forgotten by modern market presence in the middle of the community.

Traditional and Modern Market Conditions

Currently there are more than 13,000 traditional markets in Indonesia. There gathered more than 12.6 million merchants every day. If every trader has four family members, then there are about 50 million people associated to traditional markets. That does not include suppliers and consumers that are trading in the traditional market. Traditional market generally frequented by the lower middle class consumers. Unlike the supermarkets, traditional markets are mostly government-owned. Local governments in Indonesia generally has a Market Office that handles and manages traditional markets. The Department manages its own market or in cooperation with private companies.

Beginning in the 90s, the growth of the modern market is growing rapidly. Even grown increasingly out of control in the 2000s. The modern market is not only penetrated the upper middle-income people. They are now beginning to expand into the lower middle class. Modern market set up in strategic places in the city, near the traditional market or even stick to the traditional markets, as well as providing various facilities in shopping ease and convenience for the buyers. Modern market gives more value for buyers, not just getting goods needs, but also creates it’s own needs, through the concept of shopping and prestige as a trademark. Moreover, modern retailers are now able to compete with the traditional market price that previously known cheap. Direct access to the manufacturers to lower the cost of goods sold, so the modern market is able to offer lower prices. In contrast, traditional market with small-scale and long marketing chain.

The ability to attract customers, has become a force in its own development for the modern retail businesses. Suppliers became very dependent on them. Due to the weak position of the supplier, then they do not have ability to resist.

Traditional Market Development Model

Siding with the government to traditional traders can be realized by providing opportunities to traditional traders to participate to reap the benefits of community demand growth opportunities and help anticipate environmental changes that would threaten their existence. Side with traditional traders can also be done by helping improve their access to information, capital, and relationships with manufacturers or suppliers (suppliers). Due to the nature of the market traders traditional generally weak in many respects, the role of government was to actively empower traditional merchants. Therefore, it is necessary to explicitly favor regulation of traditional markets and control the growth of the modern market (large retailers).

Culture and Indonesian consumer behavior who likes a bargain are important factors that could even be regarded as a competitive advantage from the traditional market, because it is almost impossible to be applied by modern retailers. Another advantage is the proximity between the seller and the buyer are usually available in traditional retail is rarely found in modern retail even though they are often overcome with the customer database, but does not feel natural as the relationship built between the seller-buyer in the traditional market. Customer perception of the traditional market price is cheaper also be other factors, not to mention in the traditional market customers can buy the appropriate amount of (minimum) required while in modern retail is packed with standard measures.

Traditional markets which managed well could also have appeal as a tourist destination, as it has the elements of nature, culture, and its unique and distinctive. The tourist attraction can also be obtained from food and souvenirs typical of the region. Some traditional markets by leveraging existing successful tourist attraction include Pasar Kuin (floating market) in Banjarmasin, Klewer Market in Solo and Bali Sukawati Market.

REFERENCES / wiki / market